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On community, commitment, and connection.
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Is Substack a safe place to build your community?
Elizabeth Gilbert praised Substack as a safe place to build community. Is she right to do so? We explore Substack’s community features and policies to answer this question. Acquires Consolidation and Innovation in the Community Platform Landscape
Forj has acquired Mobilize. What does this mean for community professionals and those who build community technology?
Should you leave your Facebook Group?
Is it time to ditch the Facebook Group you built and move on to a new community platform? This is a big question. Let’s break it down and then learn step-by-step how to migrate from Facebook Groups to a new platform.
What is the best community software?
To avoid sinking invaluable time and effort into the wrong platform, I created this resource to guide you through the best way to answer this question for yourself. Walk through these 3 questions to make a more intentional decision.
How Technology Choice Can Exclude Community Members
I am helping to kickstart my UWM grad school cohort’s Slack workspace this week. We face a situation common to almost every community I’ve ever worked with: a lot of new members are joining existing students, most of whom have already forged connections. This creates a divide between the existing membership and brand new members. This divide can exclude certain members, whether we intend for it to or not.