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The Two Ways for Leaders to Emerge Online
There are - broadly speaking - two ways for leaders to emerge online. I'm here to tell you: Pick a lane. Neither is better or worse. Get clear what you're really after: a co-created, democratic community effort or a space in which you/your organization are the expert and organizer.
When Does Digital Connection Do Harm?
There is a popular modern saying you have probably heard many times: we are more connected today and yet more alone than ever before.
It's a catchy turn of phrase.
But is it really true?
How Community Builders Can Make Joining Communities Easier
Imagine you’ve just moved across the country. You know no one except your partner and dog, who moved with you. You want to get involved in local community efforts, make new friends, find a job, and continue your hobbies. Where do you begin?
An Interactive Discussion on the Future of Community Design and Leadership
As more of the world comes online, our approaches to design and leadership will need to grow more decentralized and localized to remain both inclusive and effective. That's probably not news to you, but the idea does feel more urgent today as the next billion people are quickly coming online.
When Does Gamification Work in Communities?
Can gamification be powerful for incentivizing social connection, rather than group competition, meaningless engagement, or task completion?
How to Manage Intercommunity Conflict on the Internet
Four Stanford data scientists analyzed thousands of conflicts on Reddit using public data from 2014–2017. As a result, they were able to suggest a data-backed model for mediating intercommunity conflict.