Case Study:

The Communications Network

The Communications Network (ComNetwork) gathers global communications professionals from the most influential foundations, nonprofits, and social sector consultancies through annual conferences, local events, and online hubs.

  • Carrie Clyne

    "We moved the needle and helped reorient leaders to program goals while creating deeper connections across leaders. Clarified a lot of ambiguity and will be huge to have it spelled out in a playbook!"

    — Carrie Clyne, VP of Events and Community

The Challenge

Volunteer leaders upheld ComNetwork’s network of local chapters, but they felt burned out, under-resourced, and overwhelmed. As a result, the program’s sustainability was threatened, and its impact was stifled. They struggled to scale the program and effectively engage with influential leaders.

The Approach

CMJ co-designed a custom training engagement for ComNetwork and its leaders, including:

  • HANDS-ON STRATEGIC ADVISORY through bi-monthly meetings with the core internal team to get to the heart of the community’s challenges and plan strategic improvements both on the organizational side and for chapter leaders.

  • TAILORED TRAINING CURRICULUM for chapter leaders, customized to address the most urgent issues (including topics like event design, engagement, and growth), hosted in monthly virtual sessions.

  • WORKSHOP DESIGN & FACILITATION for two in-person full-day workshops to kick off and close the series, designed to be interactive, productive, and fun.

  • SURVEY INSIGHTS to clarify the core challenges and measure results.


  • INCREASED LEADERSHIP CONFIDENCE among chapter leaders who reported feeling a +30% increase in their ability to lead their chapters. 

  • INCREASED CONNECTION among chapter leaders, 100% of whom reported feeling more deeply connected to the program 

  • OPERATIONAL CLARITY, including established feedback loops, transparent program expectations and support, and a tangible sense of camaraderie and partnership.

  • ACTIONABLE TACTICS to support leaders over the long term and sustain the program, including community playbooks and recommendations for immediate improvements.

  • Jess Black

    "Amazing project management and communication... You all were always a step ahead. I now have a deeper connection and relationship with leaders (and the program), which is huge."

    — Jess Black, LOCAL Leaders Program Specialist

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