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On community, commitment, and connection.
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Radical Simplicity
The design principle that will help your community feel more welcoming, clear, and easy to navigate.
5 Reasons Your Organization Needs an Online Community Now
There’s never been a better time to invest strategically in your online community efforts. It’s expensive NOT to create your community now. And there’s more.
How To Design Your Community for Trustworthiness
Trust is the key to community-building. How many times have you heard someone say that? What we often don't know is how it gets built. Here is some of what I have learned about how trust gets built.
How Community Builders Can Make Joining Communities Easier
Imagine you’ve just moved across the country. You know no one except your partner and dog, who moved with you. You want to get involved in local community efforts, make new friends, find a job, and continue your hobbies. Where do you begin?
Communities Require Commitment
Making a huge decision like this requires a lot of yeses and even more noes. Ultimately, that’s what any commitment requires: saying yes to one thing and no to most everything else.