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On community, commitment, and connection.
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5 Hard Lessons We Learned Launching Our New Community
What are the 5 most important lessons we learned launching our own community in 2024?
What do community builders need? Insights from Our 2022 Survey of 200+
Let's dive into some of what we learned from our recent survey. It surprised our team - and wasn't what we were hoping for. But it revealed critical insights for the future of our work and the needs in front of us.
Taking Time to Step Back and Celebrate
“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. It will keep you cramped and insane your whole life… Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the [community builder’s] true friend.”
A Step-by-Step Guide to Taking Time Off as a Community Manager (+ a Free Resource!)
We are now entering what I've come to think of as prime "burnout season." Over the last few years, I've observed countless community builders grow exhausted and overwhelmed during the summer months. Here’s a free guide and resource to taking time off.
On Community, Music & Taking Breaks
When you are tired, you lose inspiration, and then you cannot serve anyone. For us, it often takes a walk, music, a deep breath. You need that before you snap back to the work. And you will snap back.
It's Okay to Burn Out
If you build communities, you're bound to push yourself a little too hard sometimes. You do it because you care. There is so much good in that.
Community Builders Must Let Go of Perfect
Perfect. What an irrelevant word for the kind of work we do. Community building demands imperfect work. What an irrelevant word, in fact, in any world where equality and justice matter.
On Propping Up Incompetence
Lessons on community building from the catastrophe of the Fyre Festival
Box Breathing for Community Builders
This week, I don't want to invite you to ponder anything or do anything extra. I just want to invite you to breathe deeply.
Finding the Opposite of a Scarcity Mindset
We may need a mindset shift: If you show up and do the work, you will not get every opportunity or acknowledgment, but this is not a zero-sum game. We share our triumph. Scarcity is a reality, but it’s not the only reality.
Finding Your Voice as a Community Builder
We cannot create rigid, homogeneous spaces where everyone believes the same thing. That's not a community; that's a cult. But we do have to put a stake in the ground: For which issues do we need to raise our voice and take a stand?
Healing Is At The Heart of Your Community Work
You can follow how-to posts all day, but you also need to answer these larger questions about your community work.
The Community Manager's Self-Care Checklist
We need a framework for self-care in this profession. Here are 7 steps to take each day to take better care of #1.